live ist Turpentine ein Ereignis. Ich selbst habe Brandi leider noch
nicht live gesehen, aber die vielen Videos helfen da schon weiter.
Freut euch mit mir über diesen wunderbaren Song.
noch der Songtext zum besseren Verstehen oder einfach zum Mitsingen:
watch you grow away from me in photographs
And memories like spies
And salt betrays my eyes again
I started losing sleep and gaining weight
And wishing I was was ten again
So I could be your friend again
These days we go to waste like wine
That's turned to turpentine
It's six AM and I'm all messed up
I didn't mean to waste your time
So I'll fall back in line
But I'm warning you we're growing up
I heard you found some pretty words to say
You found your little game to play
and there's no one allowed in
Then just when we believe we could be great
Reality it permeates
And conquers from within again
These days we go to waste like wine
That's turned to turpentine
It's six AM and I'm all messed up
I didn't mean to waste your time
So I'll fall back in line
But I'm warning you we're growing up
I know we're OK
I know we're OK
These days we go to waste like wine
That's turned to turpentine
It's six AM and I'm all messed up
I didn't mean to waste your time
So I'll fall back in line
But I'm warning you we're growing up
And memories like spies
And salt betrays my eyes again
I started losing sleep and gaining weight
And wishing I was was ten again
So I could be your friend again
These days we go to waste like wine
That's turned to turpentine
It's six AM and I'm all messed up
I didn't mean to waste your time
So I'll fall back in line
But I'm warning you we're growing up
I heard you found some pretty words to say
You found your little game to play
and there's no one allowed in
Then just when we believe we could be great
Reality it permeates
And conquers from within again
These days we go to waste like wine
That's turned to turpentine
It's six AM and I'm all messed up
I didn't mean to waste your time
So I'll fall back in line
But I'm warning you we're growing up
I know we're OK
I know we're OK
These days we go to waste like wine
That's turned to turpentine
It's six AM and I'm all messed up
I didn't mean to waste your time
So I'll fall back in line
But I'm warning you we're growing up
Ich finde das Lied auch total schön. Die Frau hat einfach eine unglaubliche Stimme und eine tolle Ausstrahlung. Und sie sieht auch wirklich lecker aus und ... Schwärm!
AntwortenLöschenSehr sehr schönes Lied. Das könnte ich in Dauerschleife hören ... und sehen!
AntwortenLöschenIch schließe mich den Damen an: das ist auf jeden Fall ein tolles Lied. Ich würde sie ja gerne mal live sehen. Vielleicht kommt sie ja mal nach Deutschland.